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Seward Public Schools

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SHS Academic Decathlon Team 2023-2024 at Regionals in Lincoln Qualifies for State AD Contest

Seward High members of the 2023-2024 Academic Decathlon competed Saturday, January 20th, 2024 in the Large School Regional Division of the Nebraska Academic Decathlon program.  SHS High School seniors selected to participate and represent Seward High in the competition include Tristan Cutshall-Cherry, Sjoen Munk, Domenic Artigas, Kohltyn Lindau, Madison Kramer, Mariya Corner, Evett Howe, and Maryn Johnson.  Their advisor is Mrs. Noelle Baker.  The Tech advisor is Craig Williams.

The team was recognized with 30 individual medals and won the Bronze Medal in the Quiz Bowl Contest.  Sjoen Munk was named the top individual score on the Seward Team and won the Top Scorer Medal for SHS.  The two top teams for the Large Division were Omaha Gross-First and Seward-Second, followed by Lexington, York, Elkhorn North and Omaha Marian.

Awards included in Art-Mariya Corner-Silver, Tristan Cutshall-Cherry-Bronze, Alternates:  Koltyn Lindau-Bronze, Chase Sheldon-Gold.  In Music-Dominic Artigasw-Bronze, Tristan Cutshall-Cherry-Silver, Mariya Corner-Bronze, Alternates: Koltyn Lindau-Gold, Chase Sheldon-Gold.  In Economics-Domenic Artigas-Silver, Mariya Corner-Gold, Alternates:  Koltyn Lindau-Silver, Evett Howe-Bronze, Chase Sheldon-Gold.  In Math-Sjoen Munk-Bronze, Mariya Corner-Silver, Alternates:  Evett Howe-Silver, Koltyn Lindau-Bronze, Chase Sheldon-Gold.  In Literature-Sjoen Munk-Bronze, Domenic Artigas-Bronze, Mariya Corner-Gold, Tristan Cutshall-Cherry-Silver, Alternates: Evett Howe-Silver.  In Science-Domenic Artigas-Bronze, Tristan Cutshell-Cherry-Gold, Mariya Corner-Silver, Alternates-Koltyn Lindau-Silver, Evett Howe Bronze.

The US Academic Decathlon program follows the overall curricular them on “Technology and Humanity.”  The tests were given to the students were multiple choice, on line and  in the subject areas of Science, Literature-which includes the novel “The Lathe of Heaven,” Art –with an emphasis on art fundamentals, Music, Social Science, Economics and Mathematics-promoting  general math, geometry and an introduction to differential calculus. Each 30 minute test had 50 multiple choice questions. The tests on Art, Economics, Math and Music were in Seward on the 17th and the rest of the tests and the Quiz Bowl event were given at the Regional meeting, at the in person event, on Saturday the 20th, 2024 at Pius the X High School. 

The students were divided into teams based on their academic grade scores and competed only with other students with the same grade point averages.  All the students took the same tests.  Students were recognized individually and as a team. The students also competed in a special Academic Quiz Bowl based on the theme-“Technology and Humanity”-as the social studies test and placed third over all the teams competing.

The sponsor of the Seward High School Academic Decathlon Team are the School District of Seward-High Ability Learner Program (HAL).  The school district purchases the curriculum/study materials.  The advisor/coach for the program at Seward High is SHS Counselor Noelle Baker.  Clark Kolterman served as the monitor/proctor for the testing.

Photo:  Members of the 2023-2024 Seward High Academic Decathlon Team include L-R
Back Row-Chase Sheldon, Tristan Cutshall-Cherry, Sjoen Munk, Domenic Artigas, Kohltyn Lindau, Madison Kramer, Front Row Seated L-R Mariya Corner, Evett Howe, Maryn Johnson.  Their Advisor is Mrs. Noelle Baker, Clark Kolterman served as the Proctor and Craig Williams served as the Tech Advisor.